43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Tickler or Calendar

I am slowly building my way up to a blackbelt but one thing I haven't really got going for me is if I should use the ticklerfile or the calendar for some things. Booking a meeting is of course something for the calendar but going through some papers the day before the meeting where should they go? I have to go through them before the meeting but not exactely the day before but it is nice to have a full day to make sure I get the time to go through them.

This is one case and whatever it is I am thinking about putting into the tickler I find myself putting more and more as events into a calendar which give me an easier overview. So when doing a weekly plan if I see that my Tuesday is getting to much work in it I can easier see what I have to review that day and see if I can move them.

Any ideas and thoughts about this? What do you put in your tickler or what goes into your calender as an event to do on a specific day?

DStaub11's picture

I use a tickler list...

I use a tickler list in my planning file in Word, associated with The Drawer where all pieces of paper associated with actions live. This has been working well for a while now.

More details: My planning file has an ongoing list of the current day and future days and months. I have the next six months in there and add days as needed. So for instance, I might type in "art society meeting" (directions in D) on October 21. The printout of the email giving directions are in The Drawer.

I'm noticing as I search for examples that most of these items are hard landscape. Do I not have that many actual tickler items that are not appointments? There are usually tasks that need to be done by a certain date. In these cases, the task is on a context list with (D) if there's an associated piece of paper, the associated piece of paper is in The Drawer, and the planning file tickler has a note on the last possible day to do it (in case I don't keep up with my NA lists).

Hope this makes sense!

Do Mi




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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