43 Folders

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Quick query - workflow diagrams

After stumbling on 43F a few weeks back & reading the stuff on there with interest, I decided to take a look at the GTD book. Seemed pretty good so I bought it & have just started reading through it [motivated mainly by my personal 'stuff' that tends to accumulate in piles, both physical & digital, which I know could [a] be in better shape & [b] probably contain things that need attending too, if only throwing away or filing somewhere more appropriate].

My query concerns the diagrams labelled 'workflow diagram - processing' & 'workflow diagram - organising' - in my copy of the book they're exactly the same diagram [ie, 'stuff' > inbasket > what-is-it? > actionable / y / n > NA > etc'].

Is this correct ? For reference, it's the 2005 UK 4th re-print paperbackcover edition & the [same] diagrams, with different headings [ie, workflow-organising, workflow-processing] are on pages 32, 36, 120 & 139.

Ah - hang on - looking again I just realised how stupid I've been! There's different emphasis on some of the boxes in the diagrams, so the one labelled processing has the Stuff > etc bit in bold whereas the one labelled organising has the outer Trash/Tickler/Reference boxes etc bolded. It's the whole workflow process that's being shown isn't it. Confirmation would be appreciated but I'm fairly sure that was where I made a mistake.

May as well leave this post up in case anyone else gets confused too!

jasonechols's picture

I too, recommend having a...

I too, recommend having a copy of the digram handy. My old manager had the graphics department make a large hardboard poster of it to put in his office.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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