43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

An academic discovers the joys of Lofi

Not just for fellow academics, you might appreciate Ms. Wink's epiphany:

"In my break from computer assistance, I discovered a new truth: writing by hand can make my thinking go faster."


Flexiblefine's picture

Preach it!

mdl;5772 wrote:
O.K., while I'm frittering away my time, let me preach a little... (Forgive me for expanding the scope of the original post.)
I do not see the digital/analog thing as an either/or. Both domains have distinct advantages that can complement each other. Digital technologies are very powerful and efficient for communication and data storage and analysis. Now obviously, you can do all sorts of things with a network of computers that you can't do on paper.
The problem is that even after going lofi, I find myself addicted to the digital world. It's difficult to wean myself from it.

Hallelujah! Amen! :)

Digital vs. analog shouldn't have to be an exclusive decision. There are things that are easier to do digitally, and things that are easier to do... analog-ly? Digital means are suited to sorting and searching, for example. Analog means will work when the power is out, and tearing off a note to hand to someone is easy.

I do think that some sort of conversion is coming -- we will have computer notebooks, instead of notebook computers. Until then, use each method as approptiate for you, because it's your life those methods have to work for.

I do web development for a living, so I spend plenty of my time sitting in front of a computer fiddling with databases, e-mail, and similar things. I also use fountain pens (filled from a bottle, of course) and a paper planner.

Lifehackery in general is not about establishing the One True Best Method that everyone else must follow, but developing expedients for each situation.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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