43 Folders

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Linux GTD roll call

Hi everyone,

Anyone else using Linux as their day-to-day OS? I switched my work laptop over completely a while ago, though I still run Windows under a VMWare VM for the sake of accessing Lotus Notes and a few other work requried Windows apps.

What office pr0n tools have folks used under Linux? I've played around with VIMOutliner and GnomeTasks, along with several stand alone wikis. My team is using the NotesWiki template from OpenNTF for shared information and that's worked out fantastically.

Pete Phillips's picture

"My name is pete and...

"My name is pete and I use GNU/Linux exclusively at home and work."


(OK- we have a dual boot machine at home which I use XP for music stuff.)

I have adopted the "one damn big text file" approach with org-mode (http://staff.science.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/org/index.html) under emacs, and a hipster PDA for my "portable" requirements (my Zaurus is seeing less and less action).

I have posted some stuff about my experience with org-mode on my blog -

Anyway- for those of you who use GNU/Linux or some sort if UNIX day in, day out, and even if like me, you are a dyed in the wool vi afficianado, grab org-mode and emacs (I use the VIPER package to allow me to use the familiar vi key bindings when text editing in emacs). Org-mode enhances emacs outline mode, and is just an incredibly powerful list manager, which can integrate to emacs diary/calendar etc.

Ditch evolution and use mh-e (or one of the other emacs mail packages) as your mail reader, and diary-mode for your diary. You will then be able to use emacs for all of your GTD/scheduling stuff. I have been using this combo for 2 months now, and it is incredibly powerful. One of the reasons it worked for me is that I have emacs up on my laptop at work and home all the time (I have used emacs as my mail reader for close to 10 years), hence slotting everything else in wasn't much of a hassle. Biggest problem is when I need to make a diary appointment when my laptop isn't with me, but I carry the next 2 months around with mein my hipster anyway using the Monthly hipster template from the DIY-planner site.

Also used Scribus to create some new Hipster PDA designs (a la DIY Planner @ http://www.diyplanner.com/templates ).





An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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