43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Side effect of Productive talk podcasts

I started GTD last January, read the book and implemented a system, which is mostly working for me.

I downloaded and listened to the Productive talk series from the main site before Christmas and found them very interesting.

Now, after a year, I've started re-reading GTD to try and refresh myself and find things I missed the first time through. I'm finding as I read it I hear Mr Allen's voice in my head, complete with the way he talks.

It really is quite spooky.

Sorry mad Friday lunctime idea...:)


sisyphea's picture


that happens to me, too. I read a book by the Dali Lama, and the translator had caught his mode of English so well that it was like listening to him speak.

I think it's a sign of a vigorous imagination - a well-wired brain...... :)

I did note that Mr Allen seems a little frustrated with a lot of the typical questions - I wonder if he's kind of 'had enough' of the whole GTD juggernaut. Then again, there are always the same dumb-ass questions you get from lazy wannabes on the forum of any topic you care to mention.

I find now that I've started actually implementing the system, instead of just thinking about it, that re-reading is very useful - it makes a lot more sense and is less overwhelming.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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