43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Traveling for Work

Does someone have a template/checklist they use when traveling?

It's a new fiscal year and I'd like to start on the right foot for a change. Usually I cram a sticky with flight information, a sticky with hotel information, a sticky with weather, maybe a downloaded map or two and my travel orders into my organizer. It gets the job done, albeit poorly: I always feel like I've forgotten something vital before I even get to the airport.

At a former employment locale, I can remember the Executive Assistants ginning up a one-pager for the Executives with all their pertinent travel data. Sadly, I wasn't an Executive, so I don't have a copy.

Lacking a set template (which I'm happy to create), what do you consider essential travel information?


Mike Greene

TOPICS: Life Hacks
MikeGreene's picture

Feedback is Good.


Good point, which I started implementing today (see below). To better explain, many times I feel like I've forgotten something even though I've got all the bits and pieces I need. It's the GTD thing about uncertainty around open loops because I don't have all my information in one place.

My latest attempt looks like this:

__ Make hotel reservations
__ Make flight reservations
__ Make rental car reservations
__ Request travel orders
__ Download directions from/to airport
__ Download area maps
__ Change voicemail
__ Change email notification

Hotel (address, telephone, confirmation number)
Rental car (company, size, rate, confirmation number)
Airplane (airline, flight numbers, flight times)

Things to Bring
__ Guidance from the Boss
__ Conference agenda
__ On-site contacts (name, telephone, email)

I'm developing the above into a DIY template for my organiser, which I'll certainly share. Still, I feel like something's missing - any suggestions?






An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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