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Grad Students Represent: Note Taking / References on OS X

My new MacBook arrived last week. As I am beginning a doctoral program in the fall, I'm interested in knowing what others are using to (1) take notes on the Mac, and (2) start building a reference or bibliography for a dissertation.

For note taking, I have Googled up quite a few, including:

And for references/bibliography building, I have heard about Endnote.

Ultimately whatever I choose I want to be able to stick with for my entire program so I'm not worrying about compatibility issues, etc.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!!


jcisco's picture

Grad Student also

When I bought my Macbook I did the exact same thing. After reviewing a lot of software, my school work goes through:

Omnioutliner Pro: Not just for kGTD. You will be able to buy the upgrade since Macbooks already come with the standard version. Once I got omnioutliner to open up with a freshly prepared document ready for my exact notetaking preferences, it was just like butter. Helped me a lot last year.

iWork or Neooffice: Stay away from Microsoft Office. I think it runs like CRAP, and it's just down-right wrong to pollute your mac-goodness with the likes of it. (I can't believe I turned into an actual Mac-Fanboy). iWork works wonderfully if you can afford it. I love working with Pages and Keynote. Neooffice (still in beta), is a lovely alternative - it just doesn't have the beauty of iWork.

I am still looking around for programs to help with research. I have heard of Endnote, but I know there are ALOT of alternatives. Someone else should know more.

Kind regards,
Jonathan Cisco





An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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