43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Read and Review


I have been gradually implementing GTD. My work is nearly all electronic and the system is Lotus Notes which I am slowly hacking into some useful form. I am sure there are better systems than Notes. My question is around documents that are sent to me for review. These always take more than 2 minutes so they go into next-actions and into the read and review category. However, they always have deadlines on them which need remembering. If I put them into a calendar or a tickler system then they get put against a hard date which would always be the last date, not good practice because you get a reputation for always leaving things to the last minute.

How do others cope with these 'soft' date issues.

Stew's picture

Two possibilities. Does 'Notes' allow a...

SteveC wrote:
Two possibilities.

Does 'Notes' allow a reminder to be set in advance of the 'last date'? When I have that 'has to be done by' sort of action I tend to put an 'appointment' in the calendar (or make in an Outlook task with a due date), but make the reminder three days rather than the default 15 minutes.


SteveC has a good idea here. I often find that many of my tasks involve hard and soft due dates (paying bills, etc). I will usually set the due dates for the tasks on my lists for when I'd like to have the task done, rather than the actual hard due date. This puts me in the mindset of having things finished before they are due. I can then record the hard due date on a post-it to stick on the item to read.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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