Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
RecapsRecap: Podcasts, Setups, Appending, Freshness & ModestyMerlin Mann | Feb 22 2006It's been a while since we've done a 43F "best of," so here's a few of the posts and podcasts from the past few months that have generated the most traffic, comments, emails, and linky love. Also, if you're new to the Mothership, don't miss our January series, "Fresh Starts & Modest Changes." read more »POSTED IN:
Make #5 is out; "Smarter To-do" posts still availableMerlin Mann | Feb 14 2006
This time around, I laced-up for a knockdown, drag-out, one round intro to "Building a Smarter To-do List." The two posts from which it was inspired are still two of the most popular items on 43F.
If you're saving your pennies, or liked the column and would like to learn more, you might want to cruise back through the original posts from last September. I still really like how they turned out --- and I actually do re-read them myself when I'm having trouble getting my stuff together. Yes, I'm actually that unproductive; I have to look to myself for advice. Pathetic, really. Anyway, reintroduced here, "The Smarter To-do List": read more »2 Comments
Recap: Becoming an Email NinjaMerlin Mann | Feb 6 2006Here are a few of my favorite (and the site's most popular) posts on that heated topic of email -- how to better deal with email as a recipient, and how to improve the lives of others as a better sender. Email is a subject that invigorates (and occasionally infuriates) me, so get ready for plenty more in the future. But if you're one of the seemingly innumerable people who's snowed under by email or unsure how to deal with it at a responsible level, flip through a few of these oldies, and see if any ideas jump out at you. read more »POSTED IN:
Recap: Turning procrastination into actionMerlin Mann | Oct 31 2005Monday's the perfect day to climb back on the horse; if you've been feeling behind and guilty about the crap you've been putting off, have a quick browse here. And when you're done, try a fast dash to get back your confidence and knock down a few "mosquito tasks." read more »POSTED IN:
Recap: Overload and the interrupt-driven lifestyleMerlin Mann | Oct 18 2005Clive's excellent article from Sunday's New Your Times Magazine has brought us a lot of new folks looking for ways to adapt to the overloaded, always-on, interrupt-driven world in which most of us are living. I've bubbled up a few older entries on these topics that you might find useful: read more »POSTED IN:
Recap: Procrastination hacks, email overload, "Kinkless GTD," and a visit from the Word SpyMerlin Mann | Oct 15 2005A quick round-up of some recent 43 Folders posts people have enjoyed: read more »POSTED IN:
Recap: Ben Franklin, interstitial time, to-do lists, dashes, and sensible emailMerlin Mann | Sep 26 2005It’s been a busy last few weeks here, and, since I see so many new faces out there (waves to the new people), I wanted to recap a few of the posts that visitors seem to have enjoyed this month. read more »POSTED IN:
Recent Side Links: 2005-09-20Merlin Mann | Sep 20 2005Crazy experiment. For the occasional benefit of the RSS-only visitors (and maybe even you): the last 10 links posted to the 43F siderail. read more »POSTED IN:
Top 10 RSS clicksMerlin Mann | Sep 16 2005(Speaking of Feedburner...) As much as a stats nerd as I am, I’ve never paid too much attention to the data Feedburner provides on which items have been most “popular” among the (now ~10k) people who read 43F through the RSS feed. In fact, I only realized the other day that I can actually see which items have gotten the most “clicks” since day one. If you’re curious about which posts were a hit in their time with the XML-enabled geekerati, read on. read more »POSTED IN:
43F Summer Catch-upMerlin Mann | Sep 6 2005Labor Day’s over, campers. Time to put away your espadrilles and start trying to look busy. With Summer symbolically behind us, here’s a fast overview of some favorite 43F posts from the past 3 months. read more »POSTED IN: