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Vox Pop: Implementing GTD for Creative Work?

creativepro.com - Getting Design Done

Interesting article here by our old pal, Keith Robinson, introducing GTD to creative types. This is a fascinating topic for me, particularly since I sometimes find it difficult to "crank widgets" when it comes to anything creative.

Keith's an old hand with this stuff, so it's not surprising that he's developed his own tweaks for Getting Creativity Done. Here's a novel idea:

Create a creative time and space for yourself. Make sure it's free of distraction and get into the habit of going there as often as you can. When there, pull out your @creative lists and get to work. I find this is a great way to tackle smaller creative problems. It's how I come up with -- and get started on -- most of my writing. This article is a result of my @creative time.

That's an interesting way to think about contexts. Ordinarily, you'd think of contexts as representing access to a certain kind of tool or as a physical or temporal limitation, whereas Keith is using it almost like a project.

This is challenging stuff that my buddy, Ethan, and I end up talking about all the time. We both agree that you can use GTD to "clear the decks" for creative work -- to move aside all the mundane workaday tasks that might keep you from focusing on blocks of time for creative stuff. But we, like a lot of people, both struggle with how (or even whether) to put truly creative work into our GTD systems. What do you think?

How are you using GTD for creative work? What do projects and next actions look like for a painter, a screenwriter, or a dancer? What's your best trick for getting creative stuff done?

James Breeze's picture

I use GTD to clear...

I use GTD to clear the decks for creativity. I run my own business and my creativity is all about how to run the business better. I work from home and it is very hard to separate work from pleasure. I love it!

I have found an @afterhours context and an @during hours context... After hours just means non-client time to me.

I always used to get worried that when an idea bubbled up during the day I might lose it. Now I religously stick those ideas, web pages, emails etc into my Evening context.

When I have 'evening' time I start by mind mapping a problem, blog post or strategy. That gets me in the right frame of mind almost instantly. It's amazing the connections you can make with maps. I then can use this frame of mind to exercise whatever creative need I have.

I also have to say that once I get into blogging later in the evening I find it incredibly hard to stop the flow of creative thought and then I can't sleep!





An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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