43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.


MBW 81: Throbbers, excess moisture, Johnson Rods, and Male Answer Syndrome

MacBreak Weekly 81: Click the Throbber

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Merlin Mann, Andy Ihnatko, and Alex Lindsay Safari 3.1, security update, Apple mulls music subscription plan, this week's picks and more.

Here's a direct MP3 download of MBW 81.

Very fun episode this week if I do say so. Andy and I nerded out a lot, there was much jollity, we worked blue a few times, and my (repeat) pick o' the week is SafariStand -- specifically for the amazing "Copy Link as Markdown" and "Copy Link HTML Tag" functionality. Dammit: go pimp your Safari!

Update, 2008-03-20 16:29:45

Next Week: Patrick Wilson from Weezer

Oh, man. How did I forget this? Next week, MacBreak Weekly's special guest will be Pat Wilson, the drummer from Weezer and The Rentals and the multi-instrumental leader of That Special Goodness. Yeah, I know; I can't believe it, either, but he actually asked Leo if he could be on the show. Weird. I wonder if he sent email to the wrong place and actually thinks we're Grammar Girl or something.

Anyhow, it's on, and I'm thrilled, because I go way back with Weezer. After the jump's a live video of an old Weezer favorite (which, according to WikiPee, Pat co-wrote), "My Name is Jonas."

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Saft for Safari on MacBreak Minute

h a o l i [Saft]

In the latest episode of MacBreak Minute (subscribe), I talked about a Safari plug-in I like a lot called Saft.

 MacBreak (iPod video) - MacBreak 84: Minute: Saft

Although my short demo only covers bookmarking a set of tabs, Saft does way more. To quote the lovely and talented Jon Hicks:

Saft is quite simply the vital extension for Safari. Its started life as a way of getting full screen/kiosk mode, but has grown to include many other features as well. Hao Li, the developer, is regularly adding new features, and updates are always available soon after a main Safari update.

Saft for Tiger is $12.00 and can be ordered online.

Merlin on TWiT 101: Moon over Google

TWiT 101: Moon over Google

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Merlin Mann, Wil Harris, Steve Gibson, and Denise Howell

Google Street View and privacy, Michael Moore and piracy, hackers and Safari...

  • Leo has begun to use Facebook for only people he knows personally.
  • Facebook has recently allowed for applications which enticed Leo.
  • The People Aggregator will allow you to create a social network using your login from another social network.
  • Create your own social network with Ning.
  • Steve Jobs keynoted the WWDC conference announcing Safari for Windows, but no API.
  • Apple has plugged several security flaws that were discovered in the Windows version of Safari.
  • At WWDC, numerous new OSX Leopard features were unveiled.
  • Steve Gillmor had a post called iPhonomics regarding the possibility of Google Gears coming to the iPhone.
  • Linspire has made a deal with Microsoft to share numerous technologies.
  • Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu, somewhat chastised Microsoft regarding software patents.
  • Microsoft has also partnered will LG for their Linux-based devices.
  • Owen Thomas, the Business 2.0 editor, has been to Valleywag.
  • Sicko, Michael Moore's new controversial documentary, has been leaked onto Bittorrent.
  • The Manchester Cathedral is complaining to Sony about their appearance in the game "Resistance: Fall of Man."
  • Google has launched a "Street View" service that are fairly recent. Leo's buddy Patrick Norton was actually caught on it crossing the street. Check out the top 15 sightings on Google Street View.
  • Keep track of Google Street View sightings at StreetViewr.
  • Audio is a Facebook application that allows people to upload audio - giving way for piracy to happen on the site.
  • eBay threated to take their ads off of Google.
  • It is the 50th anniversary of the Frisbee.

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Mike Mahon: Whacking the stupid out of his system

Wow. I love this practical outline of stuff Mike Mahon does to get things done. It's primarily a list of useful life-hacky stuff that helps him keep it together, but it also repeatedly brings the funny:

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Open Thread: How are you using tabs?

I live in browser tabs. Whether I'm in Safari or Firefox, I'm constantly sending links to a new tab (CMD-click in either app). It's something that most geeks take for granted but--I can tell you, I've seen the browser stats--there's still a lot of folks out there living in one Window. (*observes solemn moment of silence*)...My question to you is: how are you using tabs and tab sets?

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Icons for Safari favorites

Free up space in Safari's bookmark bar with cool little icons.

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An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Merlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more.

This is an essay about family, priorities, and Shakey’s Pizza, and it’s probably the best thing he’s written. »

Scared Shitless

Merlin’s scared. You’re scared. Everybody is scared.

This is the video of Merlin’s keynote at Webstock 2011. The one where he cried. You should watch it. »