Daily Links
Merlin Mann | Jun 16 2008
- Make It Stop! Crushed by Too Many E-Mails : NPR - I think somebody on Massachusetts Ave. must have called "Oy Vey, Email!" Week at NPR. Here's another one on email overwhelm, including tips and technology on "email organization." How 'bout that. At the risk of repeating myself, organizing your email is like alphabetizing your recycling! Call me, Yuki. Let's talk.
- Spark | CBC Radio | Episode 41 - June 11 & 14 - In my latest Spark segment, I shared some ideas on how to deal with annoying forwarded email from friends and family, or what I call "turkey bacn."
- lonelysandwich - Why Me? - Adam thinks "MobileMe" signals Apple's big move behind what used to be considered enemy lines. "Apple is removing the Mac from the Apple computer experience and laying the foundation for a browser-based OS..."
- Jonathan Coulton » The JoCo Primer - Jonathan has a really smart series of pages for introducing new fans to himself and his music, as well as suggesting where to go next. Memo to self, internet: steal this idea.
- Ars at WWDC: Exclusive preview of mobile NetNewsWire - Not only is my beloved NetNewsWire coming to iPhone, but let me also take this opportunity to congratulate Brent on his outstanding taste in demo web content.
- The $100 Distraction Device - "Why giving poor kids laptops doesn't improve their scholastic performance." I dunno. I respect that there's lots of sides to the OLPC debate, but this particular one's got a bit of damp straw and double standards to it.
- OmniFocus for the iPhone snags an Apple Design Award! - Congratulations to my OmniGroup peeps on their award. After getting lots of little sneak peeks from friends at WWDC [cough], I am so excited for the apps that are coming to the iPhone. This is going to be huge, people.
- Start! - I'm honored to be speaking at Jeff and Bryan's amazing-looking one-day conference for indie web folks, here in San Francisco. And, talk about a bargain. Register today.
- Word Spy - tweetup - "A real world meeting between two or more people who know each other through the online Twitter service." Kinda scared to try this; I'm pretty sure a lot of my Twitter friends are bots created by the influential Butt Joke industry.
Merlin Mann | Jun 1 2008
- Best. Paper. Ever. - Miss Conduct's Blog - Advice column with manners and etiquette information - Boston.com - "Thus, when we conclude someone is 'simply a bastard,' we feel both relief (because we have finally hit on a way of interpreting their behavior that makes sense) and guilt (because we feel we ought to have done better)."
- Research Brief: Minorities Dominate Use of New Media - "According to the analysis, minorities have a higher regular usage of new media than Whites across all media types. They are more likely to use iPods, text on cell phones, play video games, use video/picture phones, instant messaging online and watch video on cell phones."
- The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet - Very handy printable guide with white-hat advice and best practices for pleasing Google without spreading unnecessary cheese. - [via Global Nerdy]
- Research Brief: Online Video Viewing Surges - In March, "84.8 million viewers watched 4.3 billion videos on YouTube.com (50.4 videos per viewer)." Damn. Could you ever have imagined this, even 5 years ago?
- Video Road Hogs Stir Fear of Internet Traffic Jam - New York Times - Related: "Last year, by one estimate, the video site YouTube, owned by Google, consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet did in 2000."
- XBMC For Mac: XBMC Turns Your Mac into the Ultimate Media Center - Wowzers! Nice work, Gina. This looks like a go-to solution for using OSXBMC to turn a Mac Mini into a pain-free media center.
- Hacking the Kindle part 3: root shell and runtime system - Oh, sweet fancy Moses: here are some inexplicably undocumented key commands that will so improve yr Kindle world. Kiss me, ragged-right justification! (BTW: ♥ my new Kindle, and am collecting my favorite time- and money-saving tips for a future post)
- 8 fonts you probably don’t use in css, but should - Personally, I'm not so big on Copperplate or Impact, but I'm a fool for Gill Sans. Nobody asked me, but I'd also add Mac-friendly faves Hoefler Text, Futura, and American Typewriter. [via anarchaia]
- We're sorry this is late; we really meant to post it sooner - "Most people's New Year's resolutions are doomed to failure...Most self-help books have it completely wrong when they say perfectionism is at the root of procrastination...Procrastination can be explained by a single mathematical equation" In keeping with my return to posting here, yes: that's meta-research on procrastination. Swish.
And, in passing, a personal note: many thanks to you for your patience while I took some time to see to other projects; my more normal (which is to say, irregular, by most “pro blog” standards) habit of posting to 43f when I have something to share or say restarts now. I’m grateful for your hanging with me.
Merlin Mann | May 7 2008
- Can You Become a Creature of New Habits? - New York Times - "The small steps in kaizen don’t set off fight or flight, but rather keep us in the thinking brain, where we have access to our creativity and playfulness."
- How to answer the people who think you’re nuts? - "I’ve been doing a lot of radio interviews and I turn into a self-righteous bore when the host inevitably asks, 'How could you let your son take the subway alone?'"
- Dear Shaun, at bluishorange - "My writing is not some fragile vase that is going to shatter the second I split an infinitive..." [via mathowie]
- Clutterers Anonymous dot Net - "Clutter is anything we don't need, want, or use that takes our time, energy or space, and destroys our serenity."
- Spark 35: Your Digital Legacy - I'll be a regular contributor to the CBC's wonderful Spark (podcast). My first segment with Nora Young is on the basics of backup. (Hint: Next Christmas, send Uncle Joe a DVD with those hard-copy photos)
- TwitterSnooze! v0.13 - "TwitterSnooze is inspired by a Merlin Mann post and was written by Andrew Parker." Yay, nice!
I think silent "snoozing" should be part of every social app. Warning, though; if your snoozed friend is the brittle type, note that re-following them will generate an email that gives you away. Caveat Twittor. [via del/andrewdparker]
Merlin Mann | Apr 18 2008
NEAT Receipts Scanner - Sharp-looking receipt scanner for the Mac, coming soon. I tend to avoid one-off gadgets that have any kind of permanent footprint on my desk, but this looks pretty handy if it works.
- Footers In Modern Web Design: Creative Examples and Ideas | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine - Inspiring collection of ways to use the space at the top and bottom of a web page. The first advocate for this approach that I can recall is Derek, who always uses his footers to such lovely and functional effect.
- A Pattern Language for Productivity - Gah! I feared I'd waited too long. I've totally been meaning to start something like this on the 43f wiki for a couple years. (curses self). Nice start, here. Should be useful for folks.
- The Fishbowl: Twitterpated - I get a surprising amount of flack for not following more people on Twitter. Which dumbfounds me. It's like being angry at someone because they aren't watching enough TV. Anyhow, some of these hyper-following people strike me as either nutjobs or cynics, e.g. "in one case, 34,000. If you were truly following all these people, and they updated only once per day on average, you would be reading a Twitter message every two seconds." Yeah. That sounds really fun and enriching. [via anarchaia]
- Word Spy - speed mentoring - "Getting advice in a series of short conversations with experts and other mentors." I need me more of this.
BENTWOOD by contexture design workshop - My gosh, what a lovely idea; a wooden bangle that turns into a coffee cup sleeve. Smart. [via Erika]
- Ten typographic mistakes everyone makes | Life, Tutorials - Guilty as charged on a number of these. I think the one I'm laziest about is straight quotation marks (""") where I really mean inches ("″"). I do love that people care this much about this stuff (most of the time).
- Mac Mini Media Centre / journal / hicksdesign - Jon has been sharing how he's setting up his Mac Mini as a home entertainment juggernaut. This post outlines his basic setup, the apps he uses, etc. He also has a companion Flickr set. I'd love to hear more from folks on workflow. How -- hypothetically -- an AVI from out in the wild gets downloaded, encoded when necessary, and then dropped into the "
~/Movies " folder. Maybe Automator? As a new Mini owner with the same goals, I'd love to hear your tips here in comments.
- Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations (Event Video/Audio) | Berkman Center - Clay's book is justifiably hyped right now, because it's just so damned good. If you enjoyed seeing the Claymeister General on Colbert, you might want to catch this swell talk, where he gets a bit more room to say his piece on a world where things get organized without organizers.
- Spark | CBC Radio | Disaster Preparedness Kit for your digital life - "...Nora and Merlin Mann (of 43Folders fame) are putting together a 'Disaster Preparedness Kit' for your digital life. Do you have a tip, trick, or tool that puts your mind at ease and keeps you from worrying about data loss?"
read more »
Merlin Mann | Mar 31 2008

- Timbuk2 - Steve Sleeve - Timbuk2’s MacBook Air sleeve stylishly adopts the look of the interoffice mail envelope Steve demoed at Macworld. Very clever. I’m gettin’ one.
- persistent.info: Mail Trends - “Thus was born Mail Trends, an IMAP-based email analysis project. It can generate a bunch of tables, graphs and distributions based on time of day, senders, recipients, mailing lists, etc.” Mihai is a stone cold stud.
- Hivelogic: Offices and The Creativity Zone - “In the very same way you’d want to find the right time and place to read a book, creative types need to setup the specific conditions they need to enter The Zone.” [via DF]
- Clipboard History triggers unwantedly - If your QS Clipboard window has taken on a life of its own, try deleting and re-installing the Clipboard plug-in. Saved my sanity. Also: I’m kind of liking the adverb “unwantedly.”
- Leather Hipster PDA Case from Staples on Flickr - Handsome-looking $10 case available at Staples. (By the bye, Levenger, thumbs-down for appropriating the Hipster PDA name without attribution; not classy) [Flickr photo link via djohnson]
- Apple - Downloads - Dashboard Widgets - HostsWidget - “Allows you to manipulate your “
/etc/hosts ” file quickly and easily.” [via siliconmeadow]
- Nothing Up My Sleeve: Twitter as a Moral Compass - Gordon shares how to use htaccess to alter a hotlinked image on just the one thieving domain. Man, I’d love to see Yahoo! do this to the Drudge Report (check the man’s code for imgs src’d from straight off yimg.com).
Merlin Mann | Feb 6 2008
- Kevin Kelly -- The Technium - "When copies are free, you need to sell things which can not be copied." That pretty much sums it up. I suspect this might be the most succinct, profound, and prescient sentence I'll read this year. A must-read post.
Dogcow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - "The original dogcow was named Clarus by Apple employees. The sound she makes is 'Moof!'"
- Rands In Repose: Out Loud - "Developing a compelling presentation involves a series of decisions and exercises to align your head with the fact that you’re delivering your content directly to people. No internet. No weblog. Just you." [via Daring Fireball]
- Quiet your Home with Ambient Noise - O'Reilly Digital Media Blog - Living in intimate proximity to a tribe of suburban Wookiees has made our family very familiar with white noise generators. They're a godsend. (Most especially if you have an infant) [thanks, Gordon!]
- How to record a kickass podcast between two macs — and cheap! - I like the idea of using the Skype connection only as a "monitor." I'd add that it doesn't hurt to do a "clap" at the beginning so you have something common to sync around.
- Your Prep Card: Don’t Leave Home Without It - "Take a 3″ x 5″ index card and write down 3 key points you want to mention in simple clear language, nouns and verbs. At the bottom, give yourself 2 reminders to avoid your bad habits." Good idea. Once you're out of a comfortable environment and feeling stressed, your head starts to swim. (And by "you" I mean "me")
- The Smart Set: Night Terrors - "Chronic sleep loss of even two to three hours per night held the potential to hamper body and mind functioning, not to mention quality of life."
- Being Funny - Steve Martin: "About to pass me by, Elvis stopped, looked at me and said in his beautiful Mississippi drawl: 'Son, you have an ob-leek sense of humor.'" [via MeFi]
Merlin Mann | Jan 23 2008
Writing a Book in Google Docs - Lucky bastard. I might (might!) have made it to the end if it weren't for O'Reilly's godforsaken MS Word templates. But, you know. Ours was not a project without its share of human error. What do you say, Brian and Danny? Would we have made it with the Google docs?
- Sullivan nod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Oh, man. That waiter's nodding trick Michael Ferguson taught me has a name. [thanks, Ben Durbin]
- Design View / Andy Rutledge - Falling Down - Beautiful essay. Go. Read. "What is uncertain is how you will respond to that stumble and fall and how gracefully you will descend and emerge from it." [via del/fritz.bogott]
- frankschmitt.org / Creating a “Sub Account” with GMail and Mail.app - Clever use of Gmail labels to make life on your iPhone easier. [via del/frankschmitt]
Wookie Roar | Ask MetaFilter - Very handy. I will totally use this until I get as good as Tracy Morgan. "It's easier if you start like you're about to let out a big, loud yawn, and then...go into a dry gargle." (And, yes, I know the "correct" spelling; and, no, I did not write the headline. Thanks, Red 5, now back to Aunt Beru's basement with you)
- StuffSafe : Online Home Inventory Software - Okay-looking (weirdly-Windows-like) app for doing a home inventory. So, you guys: does anybody know an insurance-company-friendly app for cataloging your crap? Seems like everybody needs something like this, but not one of the apps I've seen (Mac or web) has floated my boat. How 'bout you?
Merlin Mann | Jan 10 2008
- The Omni Group - OmniFocus - OmniFocus 1.0 officially hit the streets this week. So proud of all my hard-working OmniPals, who've made the app I always wanted. Kudos.
- Mother Tongue Annoyances › How to Attain Serenity Before Giving a Speech - "I find that when I am [speaking] from this 'serene-state,' for lack of a better word, my mind is as sharp as a tack, and my energy is channeled on the audience and the subject matter..."
- 10 ways to get the most out of Quick Look - (TUAW) - Most of these are new to me. Which probably explains why I hadn't been using Quick Look too much. Good tips.
- RulesofThumb.org - I loved Parker's RoT books, and the site looks like a fun, user-driven collection of these bite-sized bits of wisdom. - [via BB]
- Things - task management on the Mac - Haven't spent much time with Things yet, but this looks like a beautiful and promising-looking app for doing GTD on your Mac. Very pretty.
- ThinkGeek :: SnūzNLūz - Wifi Donation Alarm Clock - "...everytime you hit the snooze button, the SnūzNLūz will donate a specified amount of your real money to a non-profit you hate." You have to respect a Rube Goldberg device that's attached to your personal sense of outrage. [thanks, overhang]
- Products [Merlin Mannerism Widget] - "The Merlin Mannerism Widget provides a different Merlin Mann quote each day from 1 Jan 2008 through 4 Jan 2009." Oh, lucky you. [thanks, hongkongphooey] That said, if you enjoy this sort of thing, you can also get up-to-date (and very economically worded) Mannerisms from my Twitter posts. On the other hand, if you don't enjoy this sort of thing, I'm sure you're not alone.