43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Anyone tried Things.app from Cultured Code?

I've been using OmniFocus for a few weeks now and enjoying it, but ever since I noticed Things.app from Cultured Code I've been wanting to try it out. Has anyone tried it yet? Thoughts? How does it compare to OmniFocus?

soundsgoodtome's picture

Love it, love it, love it...

I’ve tried them all, and Things is the one for me.

I used OmniFocus for a couple of months. I really wanted to like it, but despite having a great company behind it, it's rigid, unintuitive, and unattractive.

iGTD’s UI is an utter mess, and Midnight Inbox is extremely buggy.

I think Things is poised to become the new “it” GTD app. I've been using it for a couple of weeks, now. It allows for structure, while simultaneously allowing for flexibility. It doesn't force either upon you (which unfortunately is not the case with OmniFocus).

Things is gorgeous, intuitive, and deceptively simple. It’s not even in beta, yet, and I’m already sold. They've been candid about their immediate plans for it, and I'm satisfied. I migrated everything out of OmniFocus and into Things.

(Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with Cultured Code in any way. I’ll be paying for Things, like everyone else.)

Also, I don't dislike Omni -- not at all. They're good folks who make great software, but OmniFocus simply doesn't meet my needs.) I gave it the old, college try, but its approach is too rigid for me and has too many “rules.” OmniFocus felt like a babysitter; it's her way, or not at all.... Then I found Things: Gentle structure, but equally flexible. The Cultured Code guys really "get it." To me, Things is “GTD for grownups.”





An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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