Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
CreativityPhotography, and the Tolerance for Courageous SuckingMerlin Mann | Dec 1 2008As I've started shooting photos more often, I've picked up on some interesting patterns: habits, if you like. And, as I struggle to absorb the insane physics of capturing light with some glass and a black box, I accept upfront that the improvements to my actual photos will be slow, incremental, and, largely undetectable to anybody but me -- a fact that's never more painfully clear than when I swoon over the work of the more talented friends who inspire me (Heather, Ryan and Chris each come to mind here). But, being instantly great at this couldn't be further from the point. Although I started taking photos to become a better photographer, I keep taking them because I've learned to love the process. And, luckily, at least as far as I can tell, dedication to the process can't help but make you a better photographer -- or a better whatever, for that matter. read more »POSTED IN:
Sample Chapter from "The Creative Habit"Merlin Mann | Dec 1 2008The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life (Free 1st Chapter) As long as I've outed myself as an obsessive fan of Twyla Tharp's The Creative Habit, it seems sensible to point you to this free excerpt of the book, which includes the full text of the book's first chapter. While it doesn't capture the clear-eyed usefulness of the book nearly as satisfyingly as each subsequent chapter does, it will give you a feel for why this book's different from your garden-variety aspirational artist porn -- this woman does not believe in "natural genius," and she damned well expects you to work your ass off, every day: read more »POSTED IN:
Louis C.K. on Starting Over; Carlin's Artful ProcessMerlin Mann | Nov 26 2008ILIS Interviews Louis C.K. - AST Forums
Instead of going conservative by gluing new treads onto old tires, he did something tantamount to suicide for a working comic; he threw out his whole set and started over. read more »POSTED IN:
Twyla Tharp, on Failing WellMerlin Mann | Nov 26 2008YouTube - Twyla Tharp on the Subject of Motivation and Creativity As I get older, I've learned to really appreciate people who are smart, opinionated, and ornery — yet still have the plasticity of mind to synthesize new ideas and be okay with sometimes failing. Feels like a big pattern for making this stuff work over time. POSTED IN:
Driving Around the BuffaloMerlin Mann | Nov 26 2008It's purely coincidental that today is my 42nd birthday, right? Eh. Maybe. Still, seems like as good a day as any to tell you what I've been thinking about, so, here's a little present to myself. read more »POSTED IN:
The Wire: Writing Into Your ArcMerlin Mann | Sep 25 2008ImportantWhile this article about The Wire deliberately contains as few actual spoilers about the show as possible, it does contain numerous links to pages with information that will tell you critical spoiler information about the stories and fates of the show's characters. The article also contains language and links that are very much not safe for work. Please proceed with caution on all fronts. In the time since I gallantly announced what makes a good blog, I’ve had time to think more about the qualities of work that endures. Not thinking just of personal blogs here, or solely in terms of the ways that we can improve online publishing and social media —although clearly these are areas that could stand some improvement. I’m talking about the extent to which some of those qualities that I mentioned in that article relate to broader ideas around all creative work and the process behind how it gets made well and consistently by an auteur who’s only incidentally a merchant. And it’s especially got me thinking about how any thing we choose to make today can contribute to, for lack of a better phrase, an arc. So, naturally, I’ve been thinking a lot about The Wire. read more »POSTED IN:
43 Folders: Time, Attention, and Creative WorkMerlin Mann | Sep 10 2008["what is this?"] Here's something I wrote last week for this site's new "About" page:
Call it a motto, or a charter, or -- if you have to -- a "mission statement." But, for both of us, it's a stake in the ground that keeps me focused on what I feel best suited to do for you with this site right now. I want to help you identify and remove any obstacle that keeps you from making things that you love. And then I want to help you figure out how to make those things even better. That's pretty much it. read more »POSTED IN:
Attention & Ambiguity: The Non-Paradox of Creative WorkMerlin Mann | Aug 20 2008Psychology Today: The Creative Personality [via, w/a reminder by Jack Shedd] Some days, I can't decide how I feel about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (say: " So, although I'm trying not to audibly roll my eyes at a pop-psychology Top 10 list about creativity's "dialectical tension," I definitely am interested in one of his observations about the "paradox" of creative people. read more » POSTED IN:
What Makes for a Good Blog?Merlin Mann | Aug 19 2008My friends at Six Apart recently asked me to make a list of blogs that I enjoy. I think they're planning to use it for their new project. Unfortunately, I'm late getting it to them (typical), but if it's still useful, I'll post it here in a day or four. As I think about the blogs I've returned to over the years -- and the increasingly few new ones that really grab my attention -- I want to start with, ironically enough, a list. Here's what I think helps make for a good blog. read more »POSTED IN:
Cooking for the Creative BeastMatt Wood | Aug 15 2008Guest postGuest blogger, Matt Wood, learns how to feed his creative side (without giving it a big gut). —mdm Earlier this summer, I was in the kitchen, trying to cook dinner. I had a pot on the stove and a fire going on the grill outside. I was fumbling with a bag of frozen peas when my three-year-old started shouting at me to fix one of his toys. “Hold on a second, son,” I said. “I can’t do two things at once.” He looked me, dead serious, and said, “But you have two hands, Daddy.” Too Many Pots on the Stove
My immediate solution has been to limit the inputs and not try to do so much at once. If I can’t cook a nice meal with a preschooler underfoot, then I won’t even try. Chicken nuggets and grilled cheese for everyone, and you’ll like it, thank you very much. While this approach to dinner fulfills various statutes regarding child neglect, it’s also not very satisfying. Apply this approach to work and it certainly creates more time to do Important Things, but it makes for soggy, microwaved output as well. read more »POSTED IN: