Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
CreativityMaking Time to Make: One Clear LineMerlin Mann | Aug 6 2008
This article is Part 3 of a 3-part series about attention management for people who do creative work called, Making Time to Make.
The point, from my perspective, is that Stephenson possesses the man-sized pant stones to declare precisely what the people who enjoy his work should expect from him. And, in so doing, he has drawn a clear line that some might find hard to love, but that is very easy to see, understand, and respect. No, he didn’t hire someone to answer his email, or get a kid to pretend to be him on Twitter, or install a Greasemonkey script that “autopokes” people on Facebook (I’ll leave you to guess which two of these I do). Neal Stephenson essentially said, “Listen, gang, here’s what I’m going to make for you: novels.” And then, he went back to typing. To working. On work. read more »POSTED IN:
Lunch PoemsBrian Oberkirch | Aug 6 2008Guest post from our pal, Brian, on how one of my favorite poets of the 60s captured interstitial time to make art. —mdm Frank O'Hara didn't seem to have this problem. read more » POSTED IN:
Making Time to Make: The Job You Think You HaveMerlin Mann | Aug 5 2008This article is Part 2 of a 3-part series about attention management for people who do creative work called, Making Time to Make.
Making Time to Make: Bad CorrespondenceMerlin Mann | Aug 5 2008This article is Part 1 of a 3-part series about attention management for people who do creative work called, Making Time to Make. Over the years, novelist Neal Stephenson (wiki), has had at least a couple different pages where he's explained why he's chosen to limit the access he provides via email, interviews, and phone calls. It appears to be something he's given a lot of thought to. Via Jessamyn, here's an mirror of an older version of his page where he explains his introversion and need to stay focused on his work, alongside FAQs that answer many of the questions he typically has to field. Read it all though. It's pretty good. Stephenson's bottom line?
And here's another well known piece, Stephenson's "Why I am a Bad Correspondent", in which he lays out more details about why he's chosen to create an expectation based on guarding his attention so slavishly: read more »POSTED IN:
Ira Glass on Working Through the SuckMerlin Mann | Jul 7 2008YouTube - Ira Glass on Storytelling #3 Video featuring terrific advice from This American Life’s Ira Glass on having the tenacity to get better at the creative work you’re passionate about — even through the times when you know what you’re making isn't as good as you'd like. read more »10 Comments
Whining, Blue Smoke & the Mechanics of Getting UnstuckMerlin Mann | Apr 10 2008I've been working on a bunch of (non-43 Folders-related) stuff lately, but I started feeling that hankering to come back and write something new here. To get the engine started, I went through some old posts and turned up a few (oddly self-inspiring) ideas that I want to re-share. The topic? "Getting unstuck."
I guess all I'd add -- since it's on my mind today -- is that I'm learning how much it pays to listen whenever you hear yourself mentally whining. read more »POSTED IN:
Creative Constraints: Going to Jail to Get FreeMerlin Mann | Mar 24 2008A Brief Message: No Resistance Is Futile Paul Ford has been posting six-word Twitter updates for a few weeks, and now he's also created the magnum opus of six-word criticism: sexological reviews of the 763 mp3s in this year's SxSW torrent. Writing on (the 200-words-or-less site) A Brief Message, Paul talks about how the constraint changed his approach and his thinking:
Yes. Constraints. As Paul shows, constraints get you thinking about the creative process in a whole new way. Me? I ♥ constraints. 30 seconds. 5 things. Less than 140 characters. In fact: Twitter's making me a stronger writer. I think harder about how to say more using fewer and shorter words. Nothing beats hitting the Twoosh. (140 chars) Let's close with a favorite quote on creative constraint from Anne Lamott's wonderful Bird by Bird. She explains that she keeps a one-inch-square picture frame on her desk to remind her of "short assignments:"
Well put. (And only 17 characters north of the Twoosh.) The Question to YouGot a good example of a creative constraint at work? POSTED IN:
The Economy of the HeartJoel Johnson | Jan 28 2008I’m not a Christian anymore. Perhaps I got a raw deal when God was passing out churches—mine was shaken apart in my late teens by a pastor who got busted for sneaking a few hundred thousand out of the offering plate to buy Nazi war memorabilia, not to mention banging a few dozen women who came to him for marriage counseling—but I’ve made my peace with the Prince of it. One particularly Christian principle has apparently stuck with me over the years. It wasn’t until recently that I rediscovered it. (Not animal sacrifice, which I never abandoned.) And whether Jesus of Nazareth existed as a real meat person or was the product of a coterie of desert sci-fi novelists, one thing he taught has been helping me a lot lately. It’s awfully nice to forgive. read more »POSTED IN:
Working In CloseBrian Oberkirch | Jan 11 2008"Inspiration is for amateurs. I just get to work." -- Chuck Close
< p> It may be that I like hearing about the work habits of writers and artists I like almost as much as I like their work. How do you force yourself to do work no one (really, like, no one) is clamoring for, in addition to doing the long apprentice work you need to do to build your chops? As most of our work gets less structured and more creative, it might prove helpful to take a look at how artists get their stuff done. And, sorry, all those romantic notions you have of absinthe spoons, manic episodes and Kerouac-like rambling on a long roll of butcher paper really aren't operative. Creative work is mostly showing up every day and enduring a million tiny failures as you feel your way to something a bit new. read more »POSTED IN:
Drawing the futuregrant balfour | Nov 30 2007Mark Joyner of Simpleology has apparently hooked up with one of my favorite visionaries, Jacque Fresco of the Venus Project. Together, this Monday, they're teaching people who can't how to draw. read more »POSTED IN: